Viewpoint - Home of the Innocents

Children in Kentucky need your help.

Support children, teens, young adults, and their families as they work with Home of the Innocents to change their lives and thrive in their communities.

Home of the Innocents strengthens Kentucky by building partnerships, challenging systems, and reimagining the way we care for families. Our commitment to learning drives our belief in family-focused care. We are a values-focused employer of choice for a mission-driven workforce.

Are you ready to join us as we enrich the lives of children and families with hope, health, and happiness?

Your Donation’s Impact

  $57 provides pajamas and hygiene items for a child’s first night at the Home
 $108 feeds a resident for one week
 $253 provides essential items for foster families
 $536 provides in-home family therapy sessions
 $1,027 moves a child from a hospital into our long-term Complex Care Center