Therapeutic Services - Home of the Innocents

Behavioral Health Services

Home of the Innocents offers services to support the developmental, social, emotional, and behavioral needs of children up to age 18 and their families. Behavioral Health Services address a range of concerns such as:

  • adoption/attachment
  • anger and aggression
  • attention, hyperactivity, impulsivity
  • development
  • family and parenting
  • problem behavior at home/school
  • sadness, worry, fear
  • school/learning concerns
  • social skills deficits
  • stressful or traumatic events

During your child’s first appointment, a diagnostic evaluation is completed to determine their therapeutic needs. The following services are available to children and their families based on diagnostic evaluation:


Individual Therapy can help children process emotions, cope with feelings, improve relationships, and decrease difficult behavior through play, cognitive-behavioral, and relationship-based interventions. Family therapy is available to address communication patterns or other family functioning problems.

Home of the Innocents also provides a range of other outpatient services including speech, occupational, and physical therapy, which allows for streamlined referral and collaboration between providers

Psychological Testing

Psychological testing provides valuable information about a child’s overall strengths/weaknesses, cognitive, social/emotional, behavioral, and personality functioning, which helps guide diagnosis and treatment planning. Testing may be conducted to evaluate for:

  • ADHD
  • depression, anxiety, mood disorders
  • developmental delays
  • emotional/behavioral concerns
  • learning disabilities
  • relationship concerns

Autism Spectrum Disorder Evaluations are comprehensive diagnostic assessments using a research-validated battery that includes cognitive and adaptive measures as well as the “gold standard” social communication tool, the ADOS-2.

Case Management

Targeted Case Management may happen in the home or school or another supportive setting in the community. They may include family therapy, individual therapy, or collateral therapy—treatments and goals are created by the child, the therapist, and supportive people in the child’s life.

For information about our Community-Based Services in Louisville or surrounding counties to make a referral, please call 502.596.1246.