September President's Award: Cody Stroud - Home of the Innocents

September President’s Award: Cody Stroud

Emmory Shipley, Communications Coordinator

October 11, 2018

Each month, President and CEO Paul Robinson awards a team member who exemplifies our core values of excellence, compassion, wellness, and empowerment. By living our values, they achieve the Home’s mission to enrich the lives of children and families with hope, health, and happiness.

The September President’s Award was presented to Cody Stroud, Registered Nurse in our Kosair Charities Pediatric Convalescent Center. He has been a member of our team for four years, treating each child as if they were his own.

Cody was nominated for providing the highest quality of care for children in our skilled nursing facility. He shows great confidence, skill, and effort for training and patient care.

He shared the most enjoyable part of his job is making the children laugh in times of hardship. He makes a daily effort to uplift the children so they aren’t troubled by circumstances out of their control. Cody has been recognized by his peers for treating families with the utmost respect and compassion during stressful times, and celebrating with them during the joyful times.

Our President and CEO, Paul Robinson, chose Cody as the award recipient after hearing stories from Cody’s peers of his attentive care for the children in our facility.

Thank you Cody for going beyond what is asked of you, brightening the day of every child for whom you provide care!