sanctuary team challenge - Home of the Innocents

If you have questions about any challenges, please reach out to your supervisor,
your Executive Team member, or I’Esha Evans.



DAY 30: August 30

Thank you for your engagement in the 30 Day Sanctuary Team Challenge!


Hopefully, the process has helped refresh your knowledge of Sanctuary principles and tools and has created a renewed energy for leading the implementation!  In today’s challenge, we’re asking that you complete a brief knowledge check. No pressure!  These results are analyzed as a group with all the other responders and not assessed by individual responses. Remember, Sanctuary does not stop bad things from happening; Sanctuary is what we do when bad things happen. 


Let’s see what you’ve learned!  Use the link below to complete today’s knowledge check! 


Today’s Assignment: 


Complete the Post Knowledge Check: 

DAY 29: August 29

Over the last 28 days, you have had a lot of Sanctuary reviews. Today is a reflection on why you believe Sanctuary is important.

Day 29 Assignment:

  1. Take time to reflect on your why.
  2. Respond here:

DAY 28: August 26

Team Meetings are a somewhat simple tool, but one that is commonly overlooked or becomes rote. In Sanctuary, team meetings happen regularly with all team members active and participating.

Day 28 Assignment:

  1. Watch the video:
  2. Respond here:

DAY 27: August 25

Red Flag Meetings are reviews held to address critical incidents or to identify possible collective disturbances. They are short meetings in which most of the focus is on coming up with SOLUTIONS rather than focusing on describing the problem/ storytelling.  It is based on the idea that many people coming together to address a problem are more likely to come up with innovative solutions.

Day 27 Assignment:

  1. Watch the video:
  2. Respond here:

DAY 26: August 24

Self-care plans are different from safety plans in that they are to be practiced regularly and proactively rather than as an in-the-moment intervention.

Day 26 assignment:

Add a question to the community meeting today, “What is one thing on your Self- Care Plan”

Watch the video:

Respond here:

DAY 25: August 23

Resilience is the acquired capacity to be flexible in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors when facing life challenges in order to bounce back and move forward with confidence.

Day 25 Assignment:

  1. Watch the video:
  2. Respond here:

DAY 24: August 22

An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a voluntary, work-based program that offers free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees who have personal and/or work-related problems.

Day 24 Assignment:

  1. Watch the video:
  2. Respond:


DAY 23: August 19

Safety plans should include both activities that one can do alone as well as those that involve others. The activities should be appropriate to the time and place (i.e.: leaving to get a coffee when you are the only staff on duty would not be appropriate.)

Day 23 Assignment:

Safety Plans are not secrets. Share your Safety Plan with another team member.



DAY 22: August 18
When people see each other using their Safety Plan, it strongly reinforces the notion that high levels of emotional distress can and should be managed, but we all must learn to do that- it doesn’t just come naturally. 

A safety Plan is a list of activities that a person can choose from when feeling overwhelmed or in a stressful, challenging, or even dangerous situation. Safety Plans help us to disengage from unsafe behaviors.   


Day 22 Assignment:  

Complete a community meeting, after the third question, share what is on your safety plan. 

Watch the video: 

Respond here: 

DAY 21: August 17

A collective disturbance is a situation in which strong feelings get disconnected from their source and become attached to unrelated events or interactions. 


Day 21 Assignment:      


Watch this video: 

Respond here:


DAY 20: August 16

Even though conflict is inevitable, getting stuck in the triangle doesn’t have to be. If you want healthier, happier relationships, then it’s critical to learn how to communicate and solve problems effectively — without mean or harmful behavior.

Day 20 Assignment:

  1. Watch this video:
  2. Respond:

DAY 19: August 15

The Reenactment Triangle is known as the Drama Triangle. It occurs when traumatic experiences are acted out in relationships. People usually fall into one of these three roles: a victim, a persecutor, or a rescuer (often there is no real rescuer, but a wish for one. 


Day 19 Assignment:  


Watch the video: 




DAY 18: August 12

S.E.L.F. can assist with challenges or conflicts and help us to work through issues more easily. It can help us get out of the maze of confusing problems, like a compass, pointing us in the right direction. S.E.L.F. stands for safety, emotion management, loss, and future. Nothing is too big or small for a S.E.L.F 


Day 18 Assignment:  

Review the attached S.E.L.F template.

Respond here: 


DAY 17: August 11

An important component of The Sanctuary Model is the problem-solving framework of S.E.L.F., which stands for the four categories Safety, Emotions, Loss, and Future. This framework is a trauma-informed way of organizing conversations and documentation in a simple and accessible language. 


These categories are: 

Safety: physical, psychological, social, and moral 


Emotion Management: recognizing and handling feelings in non-harmful ways 


Loss: acknowledging and grieving past losses or traumas and committing to work against getting stuck in the past while recognizing that all change involves loss 


Future: re-establishing the capacity for choice and engaging in new behaviors rather than repeating patterns 


Day 17 Assignment:  


Watch the video: 

Respond here: 


DAY 16: August 10

In an ACEs study completed at Home of the innocent among team members, it was reported we discovered the average team member’s ACE score is 3.4 out of 10. 

Day 16 Assignment: 

Take a moment and think about the impacts of trauma yourself. 

Respond here: 


DAY 15: August 9

The connection between early adversity and poor health suggests that addressing the effects of trauma can improve health outcomes. It also helps us understand more about the behaviors we see in our clients who have experienced these issues.

Day 15 Assignment:

1. Watch the video:
2. Respond here:

DAY 14: August 8

These Seven Commitments are the key structures that make up the operating system of the Sanctuary Model – the values that we agree to live by to create a community that helps people heal from traumatic experiences and chronic stress.

Day 14 Assignment:

  1. Review the seven commitments.
  2. Respond here:


DAY 13: August 5

The commitment to growth and change is necessary to address the understanding that trauma often results in clients repeating, re-experiencing, and reliving their traumatic pasts.

Day 13 Assignment:

  1. Watch the video on growth and change:
  2. Respond here:


DAY 12: August 4

The commitment to democracy refers to shared governance within the community. Complex problems are best solved with complex problem-solving: the best thinking of people with different perspectives, experiences, and approaches.

Day 12 Assignment:

  1. Watch the video on the importance of democracy:
  2. Respond to questions here:


DAY 11: August 3

The commitment to open communication means that members agree to be aware of how they communicate with each other. Not only the words but the tone and body language accompanying them send messages as well. Community members agree to talk about issues that affect the community, no matter how difficult they may be, and to do so directly and openly.

Day 11 Assignment:

  1. Watch the video:
  2. Respond to questions here:

DAY 10: August 2

The commitment to non-violence is just as it sounds: the community will work toward helping all members be safe and refrain from hurting each other.

Day 10 Assignment:

  1. Watch the video:
  2. Respond to questions here:

DAY 9: August 1

Social Learning means trying new things or attempting things that may be very challenging because staying within your comfort zone can keep you stuck.  Mistakes are opportunities for improvement and learning rather than opportunities for punishment.  Rather than covering up our mistakes, Social Learning encourages us to share what we have learned from our mistakes.

Day 9 Assignment:

  1. Watch video:
  2. Respond to questions here:


DAY 8: July 29

The commitment to emotional intelligence is about recognizing and being aware of the influence that emotions have on behavior. We must be self-aware and recognize our own emotions so that we can be positive role models for the people we help.

Day 8 Assignment: 

  1. Watch the video:
  2. Respond to questions here:


DAY 7: July 28

The commitment to social responsibility is the agreement that the community will take care of itself and its members. Members share responsibility for doing good work, adhering to the community’s rules, and being accountable for their behaviors and decisions. Social responsibility creates a sense of community that protects its members from the bombardment of traumatic stress.

Day 7 Assignment:

  1. Watch the video:
  2. Respond to questions here:

DAY 6: July 27

The seven commitments are simple categories that outline how community members agree to operate: non-violence, emotional intelligence, social learning, open communication, social responsibility, democracy/shared governance, and growth and change.

Day 6 Assignment:         

  1. Look over the Seven Commitments. (PDF is attached.)
  2. Respond to questions here: 

DAY 5: July 26

The intensity and urgency of our mission and the programs we provide can lead to high levels of burnout and stress. At the Home of the Innocents, we believe the Sanctuary model will create a supportive, trauma-informed environment for team members, residents, clients, and patients to provide the best service to our children and families by developing a healthy, engaged, supported team.

Day 5 Assignment:

  1. Have a community meeting with three staff members today. Ask the fourth question, “How does trauma impact or inform your work?”
  2. Respond to questions here:


DAY 4: July 25

Community meetings are a tool to bring groups of people together before the day or before a meeting. A community meeting is not a therapy group but a short check-in to connect with others and identify issues that may support or impede your work together. 

Day 4 Assignment:

Watch this video: 

Complete a community meeting with at least two team members. 

Respond to questions here:


DAY 3: July 22

We all can use a little refresher now and then. Watch the brief video for today’s challenge task using the link below. It’s a good reminder of the Sanctuary Model and its importance.

Day 3 Assignment:

  1. Watch video:
  2. Respond to questions here:

DAY 2: July 21

The Sanctuary Model creates a supportive, trauma-informed environment, so our culture is grounded in understanding what it takes for people to heal and grow. This strengthens the programs we provide to the children and families of our community. This is our why.

Day 2 Assignment:

  1. Watch this video of Paul explaining why Sanctuary is beneficial for the Home and our clients
  2. Answer the questions here:


DAY 1: July 20 

Today begins the 30-day Sanctuary Team Challenge. The Sanctuary Model creates a supportive, trauma-informed environment, so our culture is grounded in understanding what it takes for people to heal and grow. It strengthens the programs we provide for the children and families of our community. 

Day 1 Assignment: 

  1. Take the Pre-Test: