PKS.PASS.SE - Home of the Innocents

Parenting Classes
Home of the Innocents offers a FREE parenting class to help you raise healthy, happy children. P.A.S.S. (Parents Acquiring Skills & Strength) classes are open to everyone. *All classes are currently being held virtually.*

You’ll learn to create a home where:

  • family members communicate better
  • everyone finds ways to solve problems without yelling or hitting
  • you and your children learn your strengths and weaknesses
  • the whole family learns to have fun together

Join this class if you:

  • want to learn new parenting skills
  • have had any contact with Child Protective Services
  • are having trouble at home and are at risk of having your children removed

To make a referral or for more information, please email or call 502.596.1303.

Supervised Custody Exchanges
Safe Exchange provides a safe, neutral site for regular custody exchanges to spare children from witnessing ongoing conflict and further victimization. The program eliminates contact between parents using staggered arrival and departure times. Safety of participants is further ensured through on-site security personnel.

For more information about Safe Exchange, call 502.596.1278.

Safe care for your kids when you need treatment
Project Keepsafe provides parent(s) an opportunity to voluntarily place their children in a licensed foster home through the Home, so they can seek treatment for addiction, mental health problems, or physical illness. This enables the parent to focus on healing themselves while ensuring the safety and well-being of their children.

For more information about Project Keepsafe, call 502.596.1331.