October Volunteer of the Month: Nona Dawson - Home of the Innocents

October Volunteer of the Month: Nona Dawson

Emmory Shipley, Communications Coordinator

October 26, 2018

Volunteer of the Month is awarded to someone who goes above and beyond in their role at the Home, exemplifying the values of Home of the Innocents in all the work they do and time they give to the children and families we serve.

Nona Dawson, Residential Child Care Volunteer, was presented with the Volunteer of the Month Award for October. She began volunteering for our Pregnant and Parenting Teen Program in March 2016, and has provided for each child’s needs ever since. Nona gives her upmost effort when comforting, feeding, and nurturing the children. She even continued volunteering during the program’s transition to a different location on campus.

Nona’s favorite part of her day is holding babies; it brings her peace knowing she can comfort them. She looks forward to volunteering at the Home, “It is a joy to come here, everyone is so sweet. I appreciate them letting me do this.” Nona has been a great assistance to the children, staff, and other volunteers. We appreciate her time with us every week and look forward to her continued support and friendship!


If you are interested in volunteering for the Home, visit our Volunteer page to begin the application process or for more information.