October President's Award: Deborah Evans - Home of the Innocents

October President’s Award: Deborah Evans

Emmory Shipley, Communications Coordinator

November 8, 2018

Each month, President and CEO Paul Robinson awards a team member who exemplifies our core values of excellence, compassion, wellness, and empowerment. By living our values, they achieve the Home’s mission to enrich the lives of children and families with hope, health, and happiness.

The October President’s Award was presented to Deborah Evans, Residential Treatment Coordinator. She has positively impacted residents and team members for 25 years.

Deborah was nominated because she ensures our children get the services they need for their overall health and well-being. She advocates for our residents, even when they don’t think they have a voice. Most importantly, she helps them achieve their fullest potential.

As a Residential Treatment Coordinator, Deborah arranges appointments, communicates with social workers, and ensures documentation is completed. However, she says the most important part of her job is the relationship she has with our residents. Recently, a former resident called Deborah stating, “I just wanted to hear voice and your positive words.” The guidance and support she provides is cherished.

Deborah describes her job as difficult at times, but rewarding in the end. When reflecting on the past 25 years, she acknowledges her accomplishments happened because of teamwork. In her words, “we can’t be effective unless we work together.” She lives each day while keeping this in mind.

We are thankful for the time Deborah has worked with us, and we appreciate the impact she has on our residents!