Musical Therapy in Discovery School - Home of the Innocents

Musical Therapy in Discovery School

Emmory Shipley, Communications Coordinator

November 12, 2018

Twice a week, music playing and voices singing fill the hallways surrounding the Discovery School on our campus. The Discovery School is our on-campus learning center for medically complex children, and musicians from the Kentucky Center’s Arts in Healing program perform for students, enriching their lives through music therapy.

As soon as the music begins to play, the whole class gets excited! Students move to the music, play adaptive instruments, and some even sing along. Students are exceptionally attentive as the music plays.

Mrs. Brumback, a Discovery School teacher, has taken notice of Halley’s enthusiasm during musical therapy. “She truly loves singing, performing solos, and entertaining the class! She has a microphone to sing Disney songs and her many other favorites. She loves when the musicians visit our class and lights up every time! Seeing her enjoy the experience so much stands out to me and will always be a highlight of my teaching career for years to come.” Music therapy gives students who are non-verbal the ability to be more self-expressive, providing them a voice through other forms of communication.

Music therapy has many benefits for the children. It decreases stress, improves motor skills, and stimulates their minds. Discovery School teachers are delighted when the children light up and stay engaged throughout the sessions. It is a rewarding experience for everyone involved!

Thank you to our Discovery School teachers, donors who funded adaptive instruments, and to the Arts in Healing program for uplifting our children every week!