Meet the Open Arms team: Paula Carby - Home of the Innocents

Meet the Open Arms team: Paula Carby

Emmory Shipley, Communications Coordinator

December 12, 2018

Paula Carby, M.Ed., is a Developmental Interventionist and teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing. She was inspired to join the Little Ears Hearing Center at Open Arms to work with Dr. Moats and her audiological team. Now that she is a member of the team, she teaches families about the impact their child’s hearing ability has on developing communication skills.

To Paula, the most enjoyable part of her job is helping families understand their child’s hearing loss and teaching them effective communication styles. This allows families to work cohesively and enhance their home life.

Paula is also a Developmental Interventionist and teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing for First Steps, with more than 30 years of experience. She received her undergraduate degree in elementary and deaf education from Eastern Kentucky University, and a master’s degree in special education from the University of Louisville. She holds an Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Certification from Spalding University.

Paula is a lifelong resident of Louisville, and is active in Our Lady of Lourdes Church. She has four children and enjoys spending time with her granddaughters.