Meet the Open Arms team: Mary Gulick - Home of the Innocents

Meet the Open Arms team: Mary Gulick

Emmory Shipley, Communications Coordinator

November 28, 2018

Mary Gulick, LCSW, is an outpatient therapist who joined our Open Arms Children’s Health team in January 2017. She was drawn to Open Arms for the opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary setting. When children face health issues, it can be confusing and scary for them and their families. Mary found it’s beneficial for patients and their families to have the option of multiple providers, from different disciplines, all working in one building toward positive outcomes, something offered by Open Arms.

What Mary enjoys most about her job is working with children and families who profoundly move her through their resiliency, growth, healing, and love.

As an outpatient therapist, Mary provides assessments and ongoing individual and family psychotherapy services. She utilizes evidenced-based treatment interventions to address a wide range of behavior and emotional health concerns. As part of the Open Arms team, Mary collaborates with Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and Occupational, Speech, and Physical Therapists to ensure clients are receiving comprehensive, integrated care.

Before joining our team, Mary worked for six years in Southern Indiana and in Louisville providing home-based, school-based, and outpatient community mental health services for children and their families. She completed her undergraduate practicum education at Just Solutions Mediation services, where she became trained as a Family and Divorce Mediator.

She then completed her graduate-level practicum education at Family Scholar House, and provided case management and support services to program participants. Mary is a graduate of Spalding University with Bachelor of Science in Social Work (2010) and Master of Social Work (2011). She became a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in 2014.

Mary lives with her husband, two stepsons, and beloved dog and cat. She is also the very proud mother of one daughter.