Meet the Open Arms team: Dr. Shelley Moats - Home of the Innocents

Meet the Open Arms team: Dr. Shelley Moats

Emmory Shipley, Communications Coordinator

April 15, 2019

Dr. Shelley Moats, Au.D., PASC, is a Board Certified Pediatric Audiologist and Director of Audiology at our Little Ears Hearing Center. Dr. Moats supported the merge of Little Ears with Open Arms Children’s Health because their missions of effectively improving children’s wellbeing aligned.

To Dr. Moats, the most enjoyable part of her job is using science and technology, alongside providing family support, to help children grow into their best selves. “It’s extremely rewarding to develop these long term relationships,” she shares.

Dr. Moats has more than 20 years of experience providing comprehensive, family-centered pediatric audiology services. She provides diagnosis and treatment for childhood hearing loss including hearing aids and cochlear implants. She is active on numerous committees to promote quality pediatric audiology services at both the state and national level.

Outside of work, Dr. Moats enjoys spending time with her family, attending her children’s sporting events, being outside, and reading.