Meet the Open Arms team: Dr. Sara Denley - Home of the Innocents

Meet the Open Arms team: Dr. Sara Denley

Emmory Shipley, Communications Coordinator

January 17, 2019

Dr. Sara Denley is an Audiologist in the Little Ears Hearing Center at Open Arms Children’s Health. She worked at Little Ears Hearing Center before their merge with Open Arms in 2017. She was happy to continue work in the new environment because the organizations’ missions for providing wellness for children are the same.

What Dr. Denley enjoys about her job is working with children, especially those with hearing loss, and their families to ensure each child is given the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. She provides them with all resources necessary to achieve this.

Dr. Denley received her Bachelor of Science degree in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education from Eastern Kentucky University. She then received her Doctor of Audiology from Central Michigan University. She has experience providing both hearing and hearing aid related services for infants, children, and young adults. She is passionate about helping all children hear to their best ability.

Outside of work, Dr. Denley enjoys spending time with her husband and their three children.