March President's Award: Kim Fouch - Home of the Innocents

March President’s Award: Kim Fouch

Emmory Shipley, Communications Coordinator

April 9, 2019

Each month, President and CEO Paul Robinson awards a team member who exemplifies our core values of excellence, compassion, wellness, and empowerment. By living our values, they achieve the Home’s mission to enrich the lives of children and families with hope, health, and happiness.

The March President’s Award was presented to Kim Fouch, Intake Supervisor for the Residential and Emergency Shelter programs. She has managed the intake of residents and clients for more than five years.

As an Intake Supervisor, her responsibilities include speaking with parents and law enforcement who bring children to our shelter, executing emergency custody orders, contacting the Department of Community Based Services for potential residents, registering clients for our Parents Acquiring Skills and Strength program, and managing our Social Services Administration department and third shift supervisors.

Kim was nominated for her high level of professionalism and competence. She consistently meets the demands of her position, while ensuring the utilization of residential cottages are balanced. Her fellow team members respect her compassion and positive “can do” attitude.

To Kim, the most enjoyable part of the job is witnessing the transformation of children who are brought to our shelter. Sadly, most children come to us unbathed, hungry, bruised, and with broken hearts. However, as the weeks pass Kim sees them grow into healthier and happier children. She appreciates her ability to be part of helping them receive the care they deserve.

We’re so grateful for the work Kim does to help residents and clients receive treatment here at the Home.