Learning from Leaders: Jude Thompson - Home of the Innocents

Learning from Leaders: Jude Thompson

Scott Drochelman, Director of Training

September 5, 2019

We’re excited to share a new episode of Learning from Leaders! Each month, we point the spotlight at a different leader in the community for a behind the scenes look at what makes them unique. Learning from Leaders is now available on iTunes or Apple Podcasts by searching Home of the Innocents.

Our next installment is with the President and CEO of Delta Dental, Jude Thompson.

In this conversation, we talk about a wide variety of topics including:

  • “Blue Ocean” thinking
  • Examining your work identity
  • The importance of finding consistency

Below is a link to the episode, as well as links to Jude’s recommended book.

We hope you enjoy it!


Recommended Book:

Blue Ocean Strategy