Inaugural Miss Home of the Innocents Pageant - Home of the Innocents

Inaugural Miss Home of the Innocents Pageant

Meredith Pack, Director of Communications

May 6, 2019

Nervous energy filled the room. Anxious voices, sashes, curls, and giggles could be seen flashing by as residents waited to take the stage for the first Miss Home of the Innocents Pageant!

Jade Spaulding, Resident Counselor, organized the pageant. “I recently participated in the Ms. Kentucky United States Pageant. The experience made me feel beautiful, grow self-confidence, and learn to love myself a little more. I wanted the girls I work with every day to feel the same way I did,” she shared.

The weeks before, and during, spring break, team members spent time preparing the young women for the big day. This pageant was more than just makeup and runway walking. The young women had lessons on the elements of a pageant, workshops to perfect their talents, and etiquette classes. Everyone discovered their inner strength and felt their confidence boost. “It wasn’t easy getting up on stage in front of a big room of people. We practiced a lot and I was still shaking when it was my turn to go sing,” said one resident.

The night before the big day, participants enjoyed a girls’ dinner out with guest speakers who shared empowering stories about dealing with bullying, life as a single mom, and making their way through trials and tribulations many face during their teen and young adult years. “My favorite part was the night before. I liked hearing how everyone has overcome tough situations and it was really inspiring,” another resident shared. They received gift bags filled with personal care items, makeup, and accessories to remember the occasion.

“All of the girls enjoyed the experience. Right before they took the stage, they were sharing encouraging words with one another and did a ‘girl power’ chant. The entire thing came together with the collaboration of resident counselors, supervisors, managers, administrative team members, and volunteers. They learned a lot, were able to build new relationships, and learned more about themselves,” explained Carol James, Activity Coordinator.

As the pageant came to a close, participants huddled together waiting to hear who was crowned. One said, “We should all win. Each one of us deserves the crown and we can all say we are winners!”

*For protection and privacy of residents, names and faces cannot be shared.