Home of the Innocents Reaches Elizabethtown
Rachael Victoria, Marketing Intern
Elizabethtown, Kentucky is home to one of our two satellite offices. This location provides the community with our Therapeutic Loving foster Care and Adoption program (TLC).
The office currently serves 14 counties, recruiting and training foster parents with counseling services and classes. Chris Adams, Recruitment, Retention and Training Coordinator, is happy with their newly renovated office space. “Our biggest intention is to get the word out that we are here in Elizabethtown and are ready to serve whoever comes through our door wanting to be part of our mission!”
The Elizabethtown location is aiming to make their presence known and to inform the community that they provide foster care and adoption services for children with behavioral and emotional issues. They also are helping to guide foster parents, affectionately known as “Teaching Parents,” develop the parenting skills to properly raise their future foster children.
Who is qualified to be a foster parent? A foster parent can be anyone! A person who wants to help and someone who is willing to communicate openly and honestly. The children in foster care range from 0-21 years old. Adams says, “many of the children are school age, 5-18 years old. I have seen a lot of success stories here at our location in the past few months. I have already witnessed three adoptions!”
The goal of a foster parent is to open up his or her own home to allow a foster child to learn how to grow and become better versions of themselves while creating long-lasting memories that they can cherish for forever. Foster parents also benefit by becoming more compassionate and patient people throughout the process. TLC offers a win-win situation. The child receives a loving home, and the foster family receives a once in a lifetime experience filled with love and joy.
Our Elizabethtown location adopts the same core values that our main location goes by; serving with care, hope and love for our society’s most vulnerable children.
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Teaching Parent with our Elizabethtown location, call 287.300.7831 or visit our website.