Holiday Magic at the Home - Home of the Innocents

Holiday Magic at the Home

Emmory Shipley, Communications Coordinator

November 1, 2018


Help create the magic of the holidays for the children and families served by Home of the Innocents. This year, there are more ways than ever to get involved!

Get matched with a child to fulfill their holiday wish list, making them feel loved and cared for this holiday season. Please consider being one of our holiday elves to provide Christmas to one or more of the 700 kid’s that receive services at the Home.

Collect items from our Aftercare Holiday wish list and help a homeless young adult in our community. Items include: adult size coats, bed-in-a-bag, lamps, gloves, hats, scarves, and gift cards to Kroger, Target, or Walmart.

Our Aftercare program provides services to young adults (ages 18-24) and their children. Our experienced and dedicated staff help Aftercare clients develop independent living skills, enroll in and complete education, access community resources, seek affordable housing, and access mental health services.

Donate items our kids can use in their rooms at the Home to make them feel comfy and cozy as they transition into residential services. Our children’s needs are often more practical than simply love and compassion. The Home relies on the generosity of our community to help us provide for the hundreds of children we serve on a daily basis. Items include: plastic storage containers, laundry baskets, MP3 Player, headphones, small rug, fuzzy blankets, and more.

To get matched with a child’s wish list or to receive information about our holiday collection drives, contact April Sage at

Thank you for your support through the holiday season and beyond! We are so grateful to all that support the Home.

Holiday Due Dates
• Gifts for an individual child are due by December 3
• Aftercare collection drive items are due by December 14
• Comforts of Home drive items are due by December 22