Help for the Holidays - Home of the Innocents

There are many ways to support the Home during the holidays. Choose which option works best for you! 

Monetary Donations
No matter the amount, all donations benefit the children and families in our care well beyond the holiday season.

Host a Fundraiser
Third-party events support our mission across the community. If your group or business would like to give back in this way, a fundraiser is the way to go!

Holiday Magic
Get matched with a child and fulfill their wishes! Click here to learn more and sign up today.

Wish Lists
From our most needed items to products that stock our shelves for kids throughout the year, there are plenty of needs you can fulfill by shopping from our wish lists!

Groups and individuals support the Home during this busy time of year. Learn more about how you may be able to help!


Questions about getting involved? Email our Outreach Department at