Beyond a Class Project - Home of the Innocents

Beyond a Class Project

Emmory Shipley, Communications Coordinator

January 14, 2019

Tara Dunaway reflected on her past as her professor asked her class at which nonprofit organization they wanted to volunteer. As a child she was sent to Norton Children’s Hospital for surgery, so she wanted to volunteer at an organization caring for children with similar experiences. This led her to the Home, specifically our Kosair Charities Pediatric Convalescent Center.

It didn’t take long for Tara to become friends with the kids. With each activity brought smiles, laughter, and joy. One of the kids, James, was eager to play games with Tara and would wait for her arrival every week!

As Halloween approached, Tara spent countless hours helping team members plan a special party for the kids. Tara was unsure how it would go, “I was nervous before the party, I wanted the kids to love it but didn’t know what their reactions would be.”

To Tara’s delight, they did love it! Some were running through the tunnel, while others were playing games together. Tara was relieved by their excitement, and proud of the work she put into creating the party.

As 2018 came to an end, so did Tara’s semester of volunteering. To her, this was much more than a school project. She learned about the fears, interests, and passions of the children she worked with. Tara enjoyed the experience so much, she plans to continue visiting the children for months to come!

We’re so grateful for Tara’s dedication in creating a fun environment for our residents! To find out how you can get involved with the Home, email