Annual Firefighter Holiday Party - Home of the Innocents

Annual Firefighter Holiday Party

Emmory Shipley, Communications Coordinator

December 21, 2018

For 22 years, the Louisville Division of Fire has made the holidays a joyful, memorable season for children and team members at the Home. As December approaches, you can feel the excitement in the air as everyone anticipates the upcoming holiday season; the kids are talking about it and team members are preparing for it!

The day finally arrives when fire trucks fill the parking lots on campus and the kids await Santa’s arrival with the fire department. As Santa pulls up, the kids jump with joy, they can’t believe he actually is here to visit! Everyone heads to the gym where the party begins – the room is full of food, gifts, and dancing.

Major Richard Haines formerly coordinated the Annual Firefighter Holiday Party at Home of the Innocents, but after his retirement, Captain Michael Bryan took on the responsibility. Continuing this tradition is important to Captain Bryan. He knows the positive impact it has on the children, as well as the fire department. “I’m filled with joy whenever I see children, especially those who are withdrawn, start to light up with excitement during the party,” he remarked while overlooking the celebration.

The Home’s Outreach Manager, April Sage, helps coordinate the party with Captain Bryan. She witnesses firsthand how much preparation goes into the event. While shopping with the fire department, April noticed the magnitude of gifts being purchased, “They bought gifts for the kids that they would never expect to receive, like brand new video games, projectors, and TVs!” The pure delight on the children’s faces while opening their gifts makes the effort more than worthwhile.

We are beyond grateful for the time, money, and energy the Louisville Division of Fire puts into creating the holidays special for everyone on our campus. We cannot thank them enough for the impact they have on each of us!