June Volunteer of the Month: Todd Smith - Home of the Innocents

June Volunteer of the Month: Todd Smith

Emmory Shipley, Communications Coordinator

July 18, 2019

Volunteer of the Month is awarded to someone who goes above and beyond in their role at the Home, exemplifying the values of Home of the Innocents in all the work they do and time they give to the children and families we serve.

Todd Smith, Piano Teacher Volunteer, was presented with the Volunteer of the Month Award for June. In 2018, Todd and his family organized the first ever Home of the Innocents Fashion Show. His wife supplied hair and makeup volunteers, his daughter taught runway lessons, and he connected us with lights, sound, and staging. The event was a huge success!

Currently, Todd is teaching residents how to play the piano. “He’s so nice and patient with us. I’ve been wanting to learn piano for so long and Mr. Todd made that happen!” one resident shared. Todd is grateful he’s able to provide the opportunity and hopes it creates a spark of passion in them.

We are very thankful for Todd and the impact he has on our residents!