Holidays at the Home - Home of the Innocents

Holidays at the Home

Julie Spry, Director of Outreach

January 4, 2019

It was yet again another happy and festive holiday season at the Home! Our Holiday Magic program matched donors to wish lists from 632 children. With each donor providing 8-10 gifts, that’s more than 5,000 gifts for the children and families we serve!

In addition to Holiday Magic, hundreds of donations including toys, books, music, games, clothing, shoes, and personal hygiene products were received. All items stock our shelves so we can meet the needs of all we serve in the upcoming year. We are so grateful to the community for its generosity!

Along with giving of items came the giving of time from many volunteers this season. It all started with decorating, which consisted of putting up 22 Christmas trees across campus. That doesn’t include eight trees decorated by the kids on each house in our Residential Shelter.

Volunteers also provided support sorting and organizing donations in our Warehouse Winter Wonderland. From there, gift wrapping volunteers worked their magic preparing gifts for Christmas morning. Volunteers also helped at parties and on special projects like assembling ornaments and personalizing stockings.

Altogether, 530 volunteers helped out this season. What an incredible outpouring of support! Our jobs were made a little easier thanks to volunteers, and we were able to fulfill a child’s wishes with ease thanks to donations received. We are very grateful!

Most importantly, we provided a magical and joyous holiday to the children and families we serve. We are so appreciative of this successful season and look forward to a year filled with hope, health, and happiness!


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